Sunday, May 9, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Things About Mom

Today is Mothers Day. It's a special one this year, because I have 2 new mothers that I didn't have before and my mom also has a new son. I thought I'd take a moment and share a list with you of my top 10 favorite things about my mom:

1. She loves Jesus. Since before I can remember I've woken up to find my mom daily studying the Word. She is a rock-solid woman of God and I learned how to long for Christ from her. 

2. She loves my father. I am beyond blessed to have parents that are not only still married, but set an example for me and Jeremy in our marriage. My mother faithfully loves, serves, and respects my father and that has made a HUGE impact on my childhood. 

3. She loves her children. Growing up I watched my mother give up things she desired to take care of us and provide for our needs and wants. We often took this for granted and made it even harder for her to find time for herself. I am so grateful for my mom's selfless spirit - I hope that when I am a mother this trait carries on in me.

4. She loves to laugh and be silly. I have countless memories of two-stepping in the kitchen while making dinner, playing cards, and laughing over life with my mom. 

5. She gives wise advice. I know I can run to my mom with anything and be met with a wise Biblical response. She has helped me walk through so many sticky situations with grace and respect.

6. She raised us to be thankful for what we have. I wasn't handed a new car when I got my license. I wasn't given a credit card for shopping sprees. My parents made me learn to value money and budget for things I needed and desired. I was so proud of the '92 Dodge Shadow with the peeling paint job that I drove in high school because I saved and saved for it. I'm so thankful for this training, because it carries over to my marriage. Jeremy and I can use our money and resources wisely and effectively because our parents showed us by example.  

7. She has a heart for people. My mother is constantly giving of herself to lift others up. This is evident in her choice of job, the causes she chooses to be a part of, her friendships and her hobbies.  

8. She can't make it through a whole movie without falling asleep on the couch. I don't know if I've ever seen her stay up through a whole movie started after 7 pm. I can't make too much fun though, because I've inherited this same trait :) 

9. She is so stinking clean and organized. Another trait passed on to me. Hopefully I can maintain the organized house she did through the madness of kids and school and moving and working. 

10. My kids will get to see all of this in their grandmother. I can't wait to see her love on our kids.

Happy Mothers Day Mom!

Love -


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