Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm Back Baby!

I ran today. I told myself I'd just try one mile and stop if it hurt. The whole time I thought about mechanics, and you know what? I'm a major heel-striker. No wonder my knees are mad at me. So I'm relearning how to run healthfully - how to take care of my body. It's surprisingly hard to do in traditional running shoes, so I can't wait for my Vibrams!

I went two miles today and felt absolutely wonderful. I had to try not to smile while running so people wouldn't think I was loony. And then I couldn't hold my excitement so I told about 4 people at the gym how excited I was to be running again..... No doubt those 4 people now think I'm crazy.

Thank you Lord for giving me the ability to run again when it gives me so much joy.

(P.S. This is my new favorite website on barefoot running developed by biologists at Harvard)

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